
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Scam PTC & GPT Sites

Scam PTC & GPT Sites

Avoiding Scam PTC Sites
The Internet is saturated with so many paid to click sites to join nowadays, and for every legit site there exists a scam site. Sometimes it is not an easy task to discern a legit site from a scam site, so you really need to take the time and research before you join a site. The last thing you want to do is invest time and money into a site only to have it all disappear. There are some simple rules you can follow to help avoid scam sites.

Read the TOS
Look at how much they are paying per click and per a referral’s click. If it the amount sounds too good to be true it probably is. Don’t be drawn in by the big numbers with promise of making quick money. Any site that is paying too much will not be able to survive on its own advertising and will eventually go down taking whatever cash they have made with them.

Overall Site Impression
Second, take a look at the site as a whole. Does it look professional or does it look like someone downloaded the clone script and just slapped a site together by changing a few things. Legit sites have a more original feel, even if they have a modified clone script to develop their website. You can also easily tell that a legit site has invested the time and money to develop it.

Read Paid to Click Forums
Check the forums to see what kind of feedback other members have about the site. Forums have a wealth of knowledge about almost every PTC site out there. Posts by happy members are a good indicator of a legit site and a good gauge of how successful it is. If a site is not so good or really bad, you will definitely see posts about it. Sometimes there are conflicting posts of good and bad experiences, in which case you should use the other factors to help you decide. Also many forums have blacklisted or scam sites section showing you which ones to avoid which makes the research alot easier.

How Active is the Admin of the Site
Good sites have very active admins. He/She is usually very busy fielding trouble tickets, complaints, answering PMs and running the site. If the admin doesn’t respond to any of these in a timely fashion, it’s usually an indicator of a poorly run site or a site that should definitely be avoided. The forums of the site will tell you how active the admin is and the impression members have of him/her.

Search Google
Another easy way to check is to just do a search in Google or Yahoo for the name of the ptc site in question. You can cross reference the search results with some of the research you did earlier to see if it checks out or not.

Ultimately its up to you to decide which ptc sites to join. There are many resources to help you decide. Do your research and don’t take any shortcuts or you may end up wasting your time and money if you invested any.

The Best PTC/GPT and Bux host Sites

PTC Services

The Best PTC Sites, has compiled areas of interest in the PTC world to start your career in earning money online for free. Our first suggestion is that you use the PTC Services to earn a small profit in your e-currenacies (preferably Alertpay and Paypal). Then invest that money!

 We will go into more detail on what to do with your spare dollars in the Investment Programs section, for now have a look at the different sections under PTC Services on the left. We would advise you to read our Guide and Tips & Tricks section before joining any of these programs. Once you have the relevent e-currency accounts and you have read our guides then proceed to the trusted sections to see which have PTC Sites have been paying recently.

Guide and Tips & Tricks

1 Register at Alertpay or Paypal FREE 
You will need to do this so that PaidToClick (PTC) sites can pay you.  

2 Register a Gmail account FREE 
You need to have an email account to complete the next step.  

3 Visit TheBestPtcSites and join the sites FREE 
This site contain one of the best ptc sites . Just register at them and start earning!

More details  

1 How do PTC sites work? 
PTC sites is a way to communicate between advertisers and publishers (in this case the clickers or also called affiliators). Advertisers want to show their sites to people and they pay for it.  Users at the ptc sites want to earn money and they do it by clicking the ads from advertisors.  

2 What is a referral? 
There is an "upline" and a "downline". The downline is the so called "referral", a person who joined with a special link from already existing user. The upline is the person who is already registered at a site and is helping other people to register at the sites with the special link from the upline.  

3 Why do we need referrals? 
The PTC and many GPT (Get Paid To) owners invest a lot of money in their sites. They also have to invest in selfsponsored ads when they start because there are no advertisers willing to advertise at a site with only 10 members. That's why they offer referral earnings to the people who help other people to register witht heir special link called "referral link or ref link". Referral earnings can be everything from 5-100% of what the downline (referrals) earn to 1-10 cent for each new referral that join your downline.  

Referral earnings help the ptc owners to use less money on advertising (or no at all) in the long run. The higher referral earnings are the more people are willing to invest their own money in advertising the site to get these referral earnings that can be really huge if you got a very big downline (many referrals).

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Best PTC/GPT and Bux host Sites

PTC Services.

Welcome, and congratulations on sieving through all the fake and scam sites, to finally find a good, legitimate, PTC promotion Blog.

For those of you who don't know about, or haven't heard of, PTC (Paid To Click) sites, they are websites that pay it's users a set amount of FREE money (usually 1c per click), for viewing their advertisers websites. Your account will be credited once you have visited the selected advertisment for a certain length of time (Usually 30 seconds). The amount earned per click really depends on which sites you have signed up to. The usual amount to be paid is $0.01 per click but some sites offer up to $0.10 per click!

One important factor when choosing which PTC site to signup to, is the amount of daily adverts they offer (you can have a PTC website that offers $0.10 per click but only offers 1 advert per day to get paid from, and a high cashout needed). There can be anywhere from 1 to 200 adverts to view daily. The more adverts they offer, usually the less you get paid from them or the higher your account balance is needed to be to cashout.

These sites won't make you rich but can give you some extra pocket money or a part time wage if your dedicated enough.

The MOST important factor when choosing which PTC site to use, is their referral system and how much you get paid for each of your referrals clicks. Thats right you also get paid for every advert that your referrals click. Some PTC sites offer a very generous 100% on referrals, whereas other PTC sites only offer 10% on referrals. The more referrals you have the quicker the cashout and the more money you make it's that simple!!

One final point, BEWARE SCAM PTC SITES, there everywhere!!  Another tip is to check for a payment proof section on their PTC site. Instant payout or instant cashout sites are usually good payers (but not always!!) Check out my Scam PTC and GPT section for a full upto date report and guide on how not to get scammed!

This website is my first attempt at bringing you all the legitimate PTC sites that are on the internet today (aswell as all the scam sites). 

New Trusted PTC/GPT sites.
PTC/GPT sites that are down or not active anymore.
PTC/GPT's that are Fake or Scams.
PTC/GPT's that are Paying Out.
Payment proofs from trusted PTC sites.

To start earnning FREE CASH now then head over to the Trusted PTC Sites section. I hope you find this site both helpful and useful, if so please tell a friend!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Why Freelancing Is Comfortable Online Job ?

Why Freelancing Is Comfortable Online Job ?

Freelancing is one of the best method to make money from Internet. There are many successful freelancers in Internet and my perception of Freelancing is "Comfortable Online Job". Its more comfortable to work in Internet because it is not bound to time and location. I mean, you could work from anywhere and work at anytime. That’s the interesting part of online jobs. Even i am running this blog in my own comfortable time as i am working on a day job.

Okay, lets analyze the reasons why freelancing jobs are comfortable to work ! which may help the beginners to infer the goodness.

I Have Free Time.

Do you have enough time to work online ? This is the question, i ask many times in this blog. Time is one the major factor to work with online business. It purely depends on individuals ability or life style. You may be working in a day job and you have very less free time or you may be free all the time in home. But whatever may the case, if you have time then for sure you could work on a freelancing job.

In practical, spending at least 1 to 2 hours is well enough to manage your freelancing job. As mentioned earlier, it has the flexibility to work at anytime. Either the early morning or at late night, its complete up to the comfortableness of your life style.

Lets Freelance...
I Have Knowledge & Experience.

In general, there are variety of jobs available like web designers, data entry operators, writers, bloggers, software programmers, virtual assistants and much more. Just see this site, to know what kind of jobs they are offering. So if you have that work knowledge and experience then you could easily adopt to a job.

For example, if you are a web designer in a day job then you could spend some time to work online as a part-time web designer. Here you are utilizing the existing skill set and nothing else required apart from availability of Time. So its more comfortable to work online, if you have required skills & time.
I Don’t Have Work Experience.

Freelancing is another opportunity for Freshers and job less peoples. It creates an opportunity to start your career and it helps you to gain the real practical experience sitting from your home. You don’t need to run for an office and its comfortable from your home itself.

Even students, while studying you should try to spend your time useful, working as freelancer. So not only for experienced people, even if you don’t have experience you could make a try and that helps you to gain experience for the future.
I Need Extra Income.

Finally, one of your major goal will be making money. And freelancing is the perfect platform to earn extra income, if you got the right opportunity.

For those who are working in a day job, you could keep freelancing as a hobby so that you will be utilizing your free time useful. And its an extra income to your pocket. You may not become rich from freelancing but for sure an extra income adds value to your life.

At the same time, for freshers/students this is one of the comfortable option to earn some money so that you don’t need to disturb your parents for money every time.

There may be many more reasons to say why freelancing is a comfortable online job but these are 4 major reason that i could think. If you are doing freelancing, definitely you could realize the importance of Time & Knowledge. These two are major requirements of freelancing.

There are always multiple options to make money from Internet but working as a freelancer is a professional approach. It has great comfortness of work from anywhere, work at anytime & work with existing knowledge. So don’t avoid freelancing !